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Thoughts on the Kavanaugh hearings...

Brett Kavanaugh showed his true character when he bullied the Senate Judiciary Committee by going off the rails defending himself. His ridiculous yelling at the Committee and accusing a Senate Committee of actually conspiring against him instead of focusing on the complaints against him were not right. His choice to behave that way in front of the Committee, the woman who accused him, and the nation was disappointing and indicative of a man not sure about himself.

Dr. Ford was believable and credible in her testimony. She did the country a huge civic favor by testifying. Although heartbreaking, Dr. Ford showed the way about sexual assault education and the need for personal protection and help when needed to get through such an attack against her. She opened up the discussion and hopefully helped women and men who have faced such abusive attacks.

Kavanaugh is not fit to be a Supreme Court judge. He bullied the Committee, was abusive and lost his temper in an inappropriate display of anger that was clearly misdirected.

Coachella Valley Sexual Assault Services (760) 568 9071

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