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NOV/DEC Blue Power Months!

NOVEMBER and DECEMBER will be Democrats of the Desert Blue Power Months relating

to DOD's Commit to Act/Focus 2018 mission.

Check out all you can do in November and December to be involved, engaged, and to contribute

to being truly active! You can make a difference !

Saturday, Nov. 4

2-4 pm

State Senate Candidate Joy Silver

DOD reception at Heritage Palms Country Club clubhouse in Indio

No charge but donations to Joy will be appreciated

Sunday, Nov 5

10 am

March with Pride with Congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz behind the DOD banner

Palm Springs Pride Parade in downtown Palm Springs

Contact the DOD email address at to sign up. Leave

your email address and phone number. You will be contacted about when/where to congregate

for the march.

Fun with Pride! Show support for Congressman Ruiz and DOD!

Sunday, Nov. 19

4-6 pm

State Senate Candidate Joy Silver

Meet and Greet Joy Reception hosted by the DOD board - Wine/cheese/snacks

Date Palm Country Club clubhouse in Cathedral City

No charge but donations to Joy's campaign greatly appreciated

Saturday, Dec. 9

2-4 pm

DOD HOLIDAY party with youth folklorico dancers, music and surprises

Appetizers, desserts, wine and soft beverages

WE MUST break our record from last year when we donated over 200 new toys and gifts

for children/youth from the Galilee Center Migrant Workers Comfort Center in Mecca

PLEASE join us and celebrate the holidays and DONATE to this amazing Center.

The need for new gifts is greater this year than ever. We can break the record with your help.

Ages: infants to teen boys and girls

Thursday, Dec. 14

5-6:30 pm

Riverside County District 4 Supervisor Manuel Perez

DOD reception and fund raiser ($25 minimum donation suggested)

Wine / beverages / snacks as we help Supervisor Perez claim victory in

June 2018 !

Location: California Teachers Association reception room in Palm Desert

75084 Gerald Ford Drive, Palm Desert 92211 (760 340-5025 or Rob at 760 808-4446)



BLUE POWER MONTHS - Commit to Act / Focus 2018

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@ 2023 Democrats of the Desert

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