DEMOCRATS OF THE DESERT: Message from President Robert Westwood

Hello, Democrats!
Thank you for visiting the informative Democrats of the Desert website. We appreciate your interest in DOD, and
we hope you will visit this website often for important updates and a super calendar of events and meetings.
Democrats of the Desert membership has exploded in 2017! We now have almost 350 dues paying members!
It has been an incredible year for us so far, as members see our programs and activities having true relevance as we work hard together to maintain, grow and promote our values as Democrats.
A brief capsule of OUR 100+ FIRST DAYS so far in 2017 is on the front page of this website. Look at what we have done together as a club! We have had amazing meetings and events. We have much more planned for you, and we hope you will check out the website often.
We also hope you will stay tuned for important BLASTS from us on the internet. Please open them as you receive them. Know this is a true way to communicate with you. With website and social media information coupled with blasts to you, you will stay informed about what DOD is up to, and how YOU can be involved as we work together to Commit to Act 2017, with a Focus on 2018.
May 6: Over 50 DOD members and guests enjoyed a great southern style buffet lunch and watched the Kentucky Derby live together at our second Derby party. There were games and mint juleps, and everyone had a grand time while helping to raise funds for DOD to give to Democratic candidates.
Voter Registration training is underway for DOD members so watch for important information
about times and locations. We need your help to make the Valley a deeper shade of blue!
DOD continues to support the Migrant Worker Comfort Center in Mecca, and thank you to those of you who have contributed bags and boxes of toiletries, towels, cleaning supplies, etc to donate to migrant worker and their families at this incredible facility. You will receive information about a special site visit for DOD members on June 7,
to tour the facility and meet with the founders. You will see first hand how we are helping these incredible, hard working migrant workers and their families!
And, please put Saturday, June 24th on your calendars when we meet again at Date Palm (main clubhouse) for an ice cream social and a super panel planned for you on media/fake news and the anxieties over media these days. The program will be called "Enemy of the People", and will focus on the White House attack on media.
You will not want to miss this. That will be at 2pm.
Your board had a one day retreat recently. Our theme will continue to be Commit to Act 2017 with focuses on November elections locally and on crucial elections in 2018! We need everyone to commit to do something within DOD to make us all stronger Democrats together.
Please contact me at if you have ANY suggestions or concerns, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
On behalf of me and your dedicated Board of Directors, thank you again for your support of Democrats of the Desert.
Best, democratically,
Rob Westwood