Christine Pelosi Inspires Local Democrats

On March 30th local democrats gathered at the beautiful Palm Springs home of Eileen and Marv Stern to listen to Christine Pelosi speak. The Sterns provided delicious and abundant refreshments for their guests in their beautiful home. Democrats of the Desert were honored to be asked to be the co-hosts for the event. In speaking Ms. Pelosi encouraged democrats to resist the Healthcare repeal, contact representatives in Congress to tell them to keep their eyes on regulatory issues. We must resist the efforts of Republicans to deconstruct our environment. We must hold on to our climate progress so we can rise to support and create climate related jobs for the future. Christine called on democrats to become ‘ambassadors to our communities’, urging each democrat to fight for health care, the climate, immigration and restorative justice. This is certainly in line with the Democrats of the Desert theme of Commit to Activism in 2017! Ms. Pelosi asked us to keep our promises to continue supporting immigrants in new battles facing them because of the Trump administration. Christine encouraged us to stay informed and to build on our knowledge of what the issues are facing the American people and shared that ‘media matters.’ We have to stay informed and connected. Also Democrats are working on new messaging for all democrats so we are more on the same page going forward.Local democrats attending included several board members from Democrats of the Desert, Lisa Middleton , Christy Holstege, Ellen Lockert of Palm Springs Climate Change, Paula Maietta future candidate for Mayor of La Quinta and Mimi Miler- McClurg. Many members of DOD, other guests and friends enjoyed the inspirational speech given by Christine Pelosi. The energy in the room skyrocketed as she spoke so passionately about the issues facing Democrats. Many attendees were fascinated by this Washington insiders’ take on some of the current happenings in D.C.Democrats of the Desert were so grateful for the outpouring of donations. Thank you to the many guests who came (despite the windstorm!) in support of Democrats of the Desert who raise money to support local candidates! Many loyal democrats who could not attend the event at the Stern’s home were so generous in their donations and we gratefully thank you all for your support. Democrats of the Desert also accepted many new memberships that night and the team looks forward to serving our new members. We Democrats of the Desert want to again warmly thank the Stern’s for their gracious offer to host this incredible event. We also thank the wonderfully articulate and dedicated Democrat--Christine Pelosi. We are inspired by your work, proud of your commitment and appreciate your vision. DOD promises we will continue our drive for Activism in 2017 !Christine’s book: Campaign Boot Camp 2.0, Basic Training for Candidates, Staffers, Volunteers, and Nonprofits is available so please pick up a copy. It is ‘A Seven Step Guide to Winning’…Contact to get your copy.