There's no excuse for saying 'It would be so awful if Trump wins" and not taking any action to prevent that from happening. If you're not going to prevent it --who do you think is?
The further this election season goes, the more imperative our COMMIT TO VICTORY 2016 theme becomes. The Presidency, the Supreme Court, Senate, and House of Representatives seats are all critical to our future as a democracy. Equally critical are the many issues on the California ballot; our Senate race to replace retiring Senator Boxer, all the ballot measures, and our important local positions; City Council, School Boards, Desert Health District Board and more.
First I ask you to commit to being a well-informed voter. This website is dedicated to providing information and contacts for Democratic candidates in our area, endorsements by Democrats of the Desert, and Democratic positions on the Propositions and ballot measures. Visit often for new information.
Second, of course to COMMIT to doing SOMETHING to help our Democrats WIN. Research over many years proves that the most powerful way to convince someone to vote is by person-to-person contact. The first step you can and should take is to know your candidates, then begin calling everyone on your contact list who you think is either a Democrat or an Independent (no political party). Talk to them about what's at stake in this election, ask if they are planning to vote. Refer them to this website if they want detailed information or have questions you can't answer. All are encouraged to use the Contact Us button for any questions not answered on the website. GET THEM TO COMMIT TO VOTING THIS YEAR! it's not hard-and you can do this in the context of a catch-up chat with friends and relatives.
Third and most important is GET ON THE BANDWAGON. Check this website to plug into phone banks, door-knocking, candidate events and more. Phoning for Hillary Clinton and Congressman Raul Ruiz can be set up for you to do from your own home., as well as in Cathedral City, Palm Desert, and other locations. Phoning for Greg Rodriguez can be done in Hemet, Palm Springs, and Cathedral City. All calls go to people who have already indicated their support for the candidate you're calling for, so no arguing, no cranky people. Just supporters we want to lock in and remind to vote!
Like Thom Hartmann says about democracy "TAG YOU'RE IT"
Most sincerely yours,
Priscilla Richardson, President
Democrats of the Desert