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Donald Hume Interview

Brief interview with amazing "young" ex Indiana state legislator!

He sat comfortably in a porch chair on a recent humid afternoon at the historic French Lick Resort in French Lick, Indiana. We chatted quietly while his wife of over 60 years, Shirley, spent time on the penny slots at the attached French Lick casino.

His name: Donald Hume. Age 90. Ex state legislator in the Indiana state assembly for 22 years.

And, yes -- a Democrat then, and a Democrat now!

My brief questions to this amazingly friendly, very sharp minded, kind man.

* What is it like to be a Democrat in a red state like Indiana?

A challenge indeed. Indiana not always so misguided the way it is now. But, folks are getting fed up with Republicans doing little for them.

He likes Democrat Evan Bayh's chances of being elected to U.S. Senate.

* His opinion of Indiana Governor Mike Pence, running mate for Donald Trump:

A nice man. Not very bright. Should never have been in politics. Too swayed by right wing. A decent man who has his priorities

all messed up. Not a good running mate for ... well, anyone !

* Favorite thing about being in the state assembly:

Working on education committee, helping shape lives and help children. Trying to work across the aisle, and being pretty successful at it.

* Worse thing about being in the state assembly for so long:

Working across the aisle! Working with minds that won't open up to new things and new challenges. Folks who are quite "slow" and

not educated enough to appreciate diversity and the importance of an educated population.

* Any others family in politics:

Yes, his brother, Lindell, who still serves in the Indiana Senate! Also a Democrat. A very, very moderate Democrat.

* Why and how did you get into politics:

Wanted to make a difference, especially coming from a very rural, farm area (he lives half way between French Lick and Vincennes, Indiana in south east part of Indiana). Half way spot: Birdseye, Indiana, where he and Shirley stop to visit a favorite coffee place and used

bookstore to buy old history books.

Funny story: went to bookstore in Birdseye recently. Filled up a bag of books for $1 ! Found a 4th grade reader history book in the bag

when he got home. Found a note in the front of the book written by a young girl. Note said: please return this to me if you ever find it.

Mr. Hume recently dropped by the municipal building in Birdseye but it was only open certain days. He put the book in the mail slot with

a note to please try to find the original owner of the book. Amazing. Waiting to hear back !

* What is key to remaining married for over 60 years:

Wife told him very early in the marriage to call her this nickname: Yes Dear! Has used it ever since, and it works!

* His candidate for President this year:

Why, of course, Hillary Clinton.

* Advice for Hillary Clinton:

Stay focused on experience, experience, experience. Is truly qualified.

* Advice for Donald Trump:

Stay home. Work on his hair. More importantly, work on the brain underneath the hair!

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