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It was with great pleasure that Priscilla Richardson presented Ca Candidate for the 42nd Assembly Greg Rodriguez with a campaign donation check during our recent Democrats of the Desert gathering May 28th. Greg spoke to us about his campaign updates, the race and its importance to Valley Democrats, and encouraged the crowded event participants to action in any way possible to make sure Democrats are elected in 2016. Our Commit to Victory theme for this important political year is ringing true for local democrats as they get to work with Voter registration, canvassing, telephoning , helping to get people to the poles and funding local candidates in their race to victory. Thank you all for 'filling the room" for a great Candidate Greg Rodriguez. It was an energizing event full of great questions and comments. Friends got a chance to share election news and to meet many new visitors joining Democrats of the Desert. Don't miss our next event as we 'fill the house" for Ca Assemblyman for the 56th District Eduardo Garcia. Join us for our annual ICE CREAM SOCIAL June 25th at 2 pm at Date Palm Country Club Clubhouse. Cool off and hear a dynamic speaker, learn more about the political news for your area and meet a friend of Democrats of the Desert, Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia. See you there!

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