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Board Election in February Nominee Deadline December 20th

Please consider running for the Democrats of the Desert Board of Directors, and/or nominating others. Here are the offices that are up for election, all for 2-year terms: • President, leads the organization, ensures its financial viability and coordinates with local, county and state Democratic officials. • Program Chair, organizes speakers for monthly membership meetings. • Treasurer, keeps and reconciles DOD financial records, working with an outside bonded treasurer. • Fundraising Chair, organizes and manages fund-raising events. • Communications Chair, writes and distributes communiqués to members and oversees electronic media (Website, Facebook, ActBlue, Youtube, Zoom, email). • Executive Secretary, DOD’s official record keeper, including meeting minutes. Nominating Committee members are Jimmi Thomas, Cardriner Bowden, Bob Mueller, Dori Smith and Cathie Snyder. Please send nominations to by Dec. 20. A slate of candidates will be distributed in January, and the election will be held in February. The voting will probably be held electronically (more details to follow). The new officers will assume their roles on March 1, 2021. If you have any questions, please reach out to committee members or email Dori Smith:


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