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Democratic Unity in the 28th State Senate District


How sweet the coming together of the Democratic Party these last several weeks.

Since Jim Clyburn energized the Black Community in South Carolina, there has been a stunning movement toward unity among Democrats. From the endorsement of Joe Biden by Mayor Pete, followed by the endorsements of Biden by Amy Klobachar, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Julian Castro to the surprise of the early enthusiastic endorsement of Biden by Bernie Sanders there has been a feeling of joy and optimism.

This was then followed by one of Barack Obama’s best speeches ever in his beautiful endorsement. After Obama’s speech, Elizabeth Warren gave her wonderful endorsement speech.

This is so different than 2016 where our party divisions partly contributed to our defeat and gave us the divisive Donald Trump.

On the local level, Democrats have been slow to unite after a spirited Primary for the vacant 28th State Senate seat. . We had great candidates with Joy Silver and Elizabeth Romero. Now is the time to unite behind the winner,

Signs that we are coming together are found in the Statement of Tisa Rodriquez, Chair of the Riverside County Party Central Committee when she said

“Let us all come together to elect Elizabeth Romero as our next State Senator! … I would like to express our excitement to work with Elizabeth Romero to elect her as the next Senator representing SD 28! “

Hopefully, Democrats in the local State Senate race will emulate Democrats on the national level and unite to win this traditionally Republican seat.

How sweet it will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Ara, President of the Palm Desert Greens Democratic Club

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