Democrats of the Desert Meet October 21st

Join us at Democrats of the Desert Meeting: Saturday, Oct. 21
2 pm at Date Palm Country Club clubhouse in Cathedral City
(36200 Date Palm Drive, Cathedral City)
* Update from ACLU attorney JAMES GILLIAM on the White House
attack on liberties and freedoms. Learn how we can continue to
RESIST and ASSIST with the horrible policies coming from DT.
* Hear from Howard Katz, Riverside County Democratic Committee
* Help us celebrate Bosworth honoree Anita Hoag, DOD
membership chair
* Participate in DOD election to become a pre-endorsement
candidate for state offices.
* Learn about Feb 2018 DOD board elections and get involved!
Positions open are: Vice President, Executive Secretary, Program
Chair, and Hospitality Chair
* Visit with candidates for this November PS City Council race
* WEAR PINK to commemorate National Breast Cancer Awareness
* Learn about November Pride Events and Activities
* Donate toiletries and towels, gently used glasses, other items
as we continue to support the Mecca Migrant Workers Comfort Center. Our help is needed more than ever now !!
Democrats of the Desert
Commit to Act / Focus 2018
**** SAVE THE DATE! Meet and Greet with
State Senate Candidate Joy Silver ! Learn about
Joy and what she can offer as she defeats Senator
Stone next November. WE NEED JOY in Sac !
Sunday, Nov. 19 - 4 to 6 pm
Date Palm Country Club clubhouse
Give what you can fundraiser. No admission fee.
Wine and cheese/goodies.
Democrats of the Desert and Date Palm Country Club adhere to
all regulations for reasonable accommodations for persons with
disabilities. Contact Rob at 760 808 4446.