A Message from DOD President Robert Westwood
100 DAYS !
* January Monthly Meeting: Capacity crowd of 240
heard ACLU attorney from Los Angeles talk about
horrific threats to civil and human rights coming from
this White House and administration.
* February Monthly Meeting: Over 200 attended DOD
elections and Call to Action Fair when several local organizations set up to inform about their agencies and solicit volunteers.
* March Activist Awards: Over 135 attended delicious and fun buffet brunch at Heritage Palms Country Club in Indio. DOD hosted young Democrats and honored
Dori Smith, Bill Simpkins and Pris Richardson for their extraordinary activism. Video presentation was made from Congressman Ruiz and keynote address was by Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia.
Four days later, DOD hosted political activist and author
Christine Pelosi (daughter of Nancy Pelosi) attended by
over 70 people at a private residence in Palm Springs.
*April monthly meeting: Some 135 members and guests
heard from development officer from Agua Caliente
about tribe plans. And, representatives from a local
immigration legal agency gave a chilling account on
the "climate" in our Valley for documented and undocumented immigrants.
Bags and boxes of toiletries, towels, cleaning supplies
and other items were donated to the Mecca Migrant
Worker Comfort Center. Thank you !
* DOD was represented by president Rob Westwood
at rally in support of Planned Parenthood and at tax day
* DOD explodes to over 340 dues paying members!
100 DAYS !