Help Alliance for Retired Americans Tell Congress "HANDS OFF" Medicare!
Start your new year of Activism by telling Congress not to gut our Medicare benefits!!
On January 4, 2017, the first workday of the new Congress – thousands of Alliance retirees and our allies will call Capitol Hill and tell Congress to keep its Hands Off Medicare!
Paul Ryan and Donald Trump’s nominees for Secretary of HHS and Director of the Office of Management and Budget are preparing to measures to privatize and voucherize Medicare in early 2017. They want to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and big corporations and plan to cut seniors’ health care to pay for it.
We must make sure Congress knows that voting to privatize Medicare is a betrayal of all those who have paid for Medicare throughout their working lives.
“Last week a poll found that most Americans haven’t heard about Ryan’s plans,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “But once they hear the details, 67% of respondents oppose so-called Medicare reform. Ryan is trying to dismantle Medicare quickly, before the American people realize what is happening".
StartFragmentPlease click and sign up to call Congress on Wednesday, January 4. EndFragment