Here are some ways to take action now!
Sign Petitions:
Petition to stop Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest:
Petition to stop Steve Bannon:
Petition to abolish the Electoral College:
Petition to appoint Garland to the Supreme Court:
Petition to require Tax Returns be released by all Presidential Candidates and Presidents:
Petition to stop Myron Ebell from being appointed the head of the EPA:
Petition to block Betsy DeVos from being appointed as the Secretary of Education:
Petitions to stop the Dakota Pipeline:
Petition to tell Donald Trump to reject hate and bigotry:
Petition to stop Sessions from being assigned Attorney General:
Where to report hate crimes:
Donate to:
This is the legal support team at Standing Rock:
Join one of the hundreds of marches happening 1/21/17
Make Phone Calls, Write Letters, or Send Emails to:
- Email Pres. Obama ( ) re: Standing Rock and/or assigning a special prosecutor re: the 2nd Comey investigation.
- Email the DOJ asking for investigation into voter fraud at
Department of Justice:
Please Audit the 2016 Presidential Vote ASAP
My name is ___, and I’m a registered voter in zip code ___. I’m urging you to support the call to audit the vote, investigate voter suppression, particularly in North Carolina, Florida and Wisconsin, and investigate Russian tampering of US election results.
Thank you,
[Your Name] Registered Voter
[Address] Address and Zip Code
- Stop Bannon postcard effort:
1. Get a postcard from your state - any picture that represents your state. 2. In the message section, write this simple message: NOT BANNON! 3. Sign your name if you wish 4. Address it as follows: Donald Trump c/o The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 5. Affix a stamp - you can use a 35 cent postcard stamp, or a normal letter stamp. 6. Take a picture of your postcard that you can share on social media using the hashtag #stopbannon # postcardavalanche 7. Drop it in the mail between Saturday, Nov 26th and Monday, Nov. 28th to create a concentrated avalanche of postcards. If you can't send yours until later, don't let that stop you
- Write to the Democratic National Committee today and tell them the DNC needs new leadership. Consider offering support for Rep. Keith Ellison's bid to become chair of the party…/keith-ellison-is-the-leader-th…/.
- Barbara Boxer:
Washington DC 202-224-3553
Los Angeles 213-894-5000
San Diego 619-239-3884
You can also call
- Dianne Feinstein:
Washington DC 202-224-3841
Los Angeles 310-914-7300
San Francisco 415-393-0707
San Diego 619-231-9712
Fresno 559-485-7430
- Call the Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office (202-512-5500) and tell them you’re calling in support of Senator Warren's request to audit the President Elect's finances for conflicts of interest. In addition email these two administrators and the Congrel email below:
Katherine Siggerud -email:
Timothy Minelli -email:
"I'm writing in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren's request for an audit of our incoming President Elect's finances, to prohibit conflicts of interest that would prevent him from carrying out the responsibilities of the office without corrupt influence."
- Senator Cardin has introduced a resolution in the Foreign Relations Committee that urges Trump to comply with requests to eliminate conflicts of interest.
Call your senators and ask them to support Cardin's resolution. Alert people you know in Kentucky, Tennessee, Idaho, Florida, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, and Wyoming, who'd be willing to call their Republican senators on the Foreign Relations Committee. The full list is here:
Here is a script: ”My name is [NAME] and I am calling to let the Senate Foreign Relations Committee know that I support Senator Cardin’s resolution to ensure that our president-elect’s foreign dealings do not violate the US Constitution. Trump’s financial dealings could pose a threat to our national security."
2. Reps. Clark and Nadler have co-sponsored House Bill 6340 to require Trump to address his conflicts of interest, and the bill is currently being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. If you have not already done so, contact your representative (not your senator) and ask them to support this bill.
Script: "Hi, my name is [NAME] and I'm your constituent at [ADDRESS]. I'm calling to express my strong concern about President-Elect Trump's many conflicts of interest. House Bill 6340 would require him to address these conflicts of interest. I strongly urge you to support this bill. Thank you."
This bill is still in committee, so if your Rep isn't on the judiciary committee you will be asking for their future support.
You can also call the House Judiciary Committee at (202)225-3951 and use the same script. If you can't get through, call one of the Republicans on the committee and explain that the committee number is down. If a rep in the committee is in your state, call them too. The members are here:
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