Greg Rodriguez, the candidate for the 42nd State Assembly District, is right on track to win the November election. Greg is shown here receiving a campaign donation from Pris Richardson, President of the the Democrats of the Desert, at their May club meeting. Greg and his team are working hard to get the message out and will be seeking volunteers to canvas, to GOTV (calls for Greg to get out the vote) and to invite Democrats to fundraising events before the November election. Feel free to reach out to Greg, your local clubs and the Democratic Headquarters to find ways you can participate. We need Greg in Sacramento to represent us all on the myriad of critical issues facing our Valley. Greg's commitment to education, Valley water issues, jobs and economic development, Veterans and Seniors, and the Salton Sea solution makes him a superior democratic candidate. Greg will make our Valley better.
Contact: and Greg Rodriguez Facebook for more campaign highlights, volunteer sign up , endorsement news, Desert Sun articles by Jesse Marx and all the latest local event photos. You can make a difference! Get on board to get Greg to Sacramento!