Summer 2018 - Message from our Club President

Dear Democrats of the Desert members and friends,
You and I are wildly frustrated, angry, upset, and justifiably frightened by news this week and recently from DC and our borders.
What can we do as individuals and as a club ? What the heck can Democrats do ?
I want you to know a little about what you have DONE.
This year has been a super busy and well accomplished one for Democrats of the Desert. We worked hard to support and elect Democrat Manny Perez as 4th district supervisor for Riverside County. We helped Congressman Ruiz and Assemblyman Garcia win top spots by wide margins in the primary. And, we aided Joy Silver and DeniAntionette Mazingo, as they made the November ballot with ease.
You made calls, you texted voters, helped folks to the polls, registered voters, and attended and supported us at monthly meetings. We AVERAGED OVER 100+ members at each of our meetings/gatherings the 4th Saturday of every month. Some Saturdays we drew some 150 members and guests to Date Palm Country Club.
We held receptions and events for our candidates, and you were generous with your time and donations so DOD could make significant donations to our Dems.
We honored DOD members who deserved our recognition such as Ruth Debra, Anita Rufus, and Art Copleston.
And, we pulled a local coup when we drew nearly 400 folks to the Camelot Theater to hear Jill Wine-Banks, Christine Pelosi, and our own Julie Bornstein in a lively discussion about the future of the President who shames America everyday.
We dealt with serious issues and concerns, and you raised your voices in frustration as we watched our Democracy attacked almost daily by the DC administration -- from a super panel discussion on the media and internet neutrality to a full house discussion on affordable housing in the Coachella Valley.
Our website and social media have been updated and are informative for you when you want to know what DOD is doing and what other Democratic clubs are doing. We helped support the
Democratic Headquarters of the Desert with monthly donations, and we heard from the DHQ at every meeting.
Bags and bags of towels and toiletries were donated by you monthly for the Migrant Workers Comfort Center in Mecca. The need there still grows as ICE patrols shamefully scare hard working humans trying to make a living in challenging conditions. We will continue this mission.
We gathered to support each other in a time of political darkness. We held hands, sat together,
vented and educated ourselves on local and federal issues. We celebrated the Kentucky Derby
together and we drank wine, coffee, and other drinks next to each other. Good Democrats with
Good Democrats, unafraid by staying together and growing as a club.
Democrats of the Desert has made history with record breaking crowds and with membership as we now grow very close to 400 members!
NOW, however, we must step up our Commitment to Act.
* Voter registration must continue and we need your help.
* Voter turnout was dim in the primary (except Congressman Ruiz gained more votes than the previous primary) so we must all do our part...each of get Dems and Dem leaning voters to VOTE !
* We must participate in even bigger numbers to encourage our candidates.
* We must write letters to the Desert Sun and other papers supporting our candidates and our issues.
* We must talk talk talk to others about November until we are, well....BLUE in the face !
Your board and I want to hear your ideas so please write to us at
Visit our website at often.
Blue Together is much better than throwing peanuts at your television !!!!
Support Democrats of the Desert ! Hope to see you at our next gathering on August 25 at 2 pm - Date Palm Country Club in Cathedral City.
Best to each of you,
Rob Westwood
President, Democrats of the Desert