Make Your Voice Heard
Since our Call to Action Fair at the last Democrats of the Desert meeting many of our members have increased their activism commitments. So as a continuation of our Call to Action here is a new way to make your voice heard. Click on the link to '5 calls' presented here.
Our own Board member Pam Silver
is using the '5 Calls' process everyday with great results. It is an easy way to make your voice heard. When you click on the site you have a 'menu' of items of "What's Important to You" to choose from and then you select the topic. You get the person's name and phone number to call, why you are calling and a written "script". Then you enter the result of your call and on to the next call. For those of you that have been phone banking volunteers this will be familiar. For those just starting it is a breeze to do. Pam also let us know she uploaded it on her Apple IPHONE so you can get this for your IPHONE at the App Store! Couldn't be simpler, FUN, and meaningful. It just will make you feel great and you will be helping to make a difference with the issues that mean the most to you!! Thanks for being fantastic Democrats of the Desert members!