Donations to local Non-ProfitsFunds collected from your membership dues were used to make donations to four local non-profit organizations. After talking to local...
WE CAN STILL HELP CANDIDATESWhile we’re dealing with COVID-19, it’s still possible to help candidates’ campaigns. If you have a favorite candidate, please get in...
March Meeting CanceledDemocrats of the Desert’s Board of Directors has decided to cancel its planned March 28 meeting. “It’s the right thing to do,” said...
RCDP ENDORCES STEPHEN JAFFEThe Members of the Riverside County Democratic Party have voted to endorse Stephen Jaffe for Rancho Mirage City Council! Mr Jaffe is an...
MEET RANCHO MIRAGE CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATESYou’re invited to attend the Rancho Mirage Candidate Forum at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 30, at the Rancho Mirage Library on Highway 111. ...
THE CENSUS IS COMINGBe sure to complete the U.S. Census when it arrives. Census 2020 letters will be mailed beginning March 12, 2020. The deadline for...